
World Pesto Championships Goes Digital

“Pesto-boxes”, containing basil, all ingredients you need to make Pesto and the gadgets of the Championship, are on their way to the players of the 8th Digital Edition of the Pesto World Championship.

Getting fresh PDO basil to all participants at the right time – neither too late for the event, nor too early to the detriment of freshness – has been and still is the main challenge of the organizers of this years 8th edition of the Championship.

Competitors were divided into two categories, those who are participating remotely for reasons mainly of time zone, and those who will participate live on Zoom on  Saturday, March 20 starting at 10:00 am.

To the first, about thirty, the precious boxes have already been sent at the beginning of the week, with the result that the first self-produced videos are returning to the secretariat of the Championship for judging.

The other “pesto boxes”, about sixty of them, will be completed by early next week and will arrive at their destination on Thursday or Friday. Anxiety about receiving them is growing as well as the hope that no hitches will occur, the milestone of March 20, 2021 is within reach!

All participants were sent an instructional video featuring Emiliano Pescarolo, the current reigning Pesto World Championship Champion. Check it out: