The Company
Carol’s Stock Market, a Food NI member, was formed by Carol Banana. They have an extensive range of natural stock products and a unique beef bone broth for home cooks.
She uses only the best locally sourced ingredients.
“I wanted to create a truly special turkey stock for Christmas and only wanted to use the best of ingredients but still keep it truly local,” Carol says.
Carol also uses locally sourced, organic vegetables and herbs. She supplies delis and independent stores in Northern Ireland and the Republic.
The Product – Free Range Turkey Bone Broth
A Free Range Turkey Broth made by Carol’s Stock Market. The product has been made in partnership with Galloway Turkeys of Randalstown. The broth is available in 500ml pouches and ideal for the Festive Season.
The broth is carefully simmered over 24 hours to unlock the delicious turkey flavours.