Lynne Makes It Easier For Home Bakers To Make Tasty Irish Wheaten Bread

Baker Lynne Gardiner spent the early part of the lockdown creating a novel traditional Irish bread product aimed at the growing numbers of home cooks and bakers here. She’s just launched a special dry mix to create a traditional wheaten by simply adding buttermilk.
The recipe is based on the wheaten breads she’s been selling successfully at the Causeway Speciality Food Market in Coleraine for a couple of years.
Lynne, from Portstewart, runs artisan bakery Amazin’ Grazin’ and has faced the same cash flow crisis as other smaller foodcompanies due to the lockdown of virtually every food market here. “This led to messages and calls from customers wishing to know how to buy and make my handmade loaves,” Lynne, an experiences chef, says. “Home delivery wasn’t a realistic option for me because of the cost involved. I was also conscious that more people than ever are baking and cooking at home,” she adds.
“It just didn’t make commercial sense to deliver single loaves around the country. I had some experience in developing a gluten-free dry mix and decided to approach the new product development team at the Foodovation Centre in Derry’s North West Regional College for assistance,” she explains.
They came up with a handy mix that can be used to produce a delicious wheaten loaf by adding half a pint of buttermilk in a baking tin. Additional ingredients such as stout, dates, apples, cranberries, walnuts, multi seeds and even Bushmills whiskey can be added to the mix for different flavoured loaves. It’s also much easier to meet orders from callers and through social media.
“The mixes are a simple way to bake one of our most popular breads at home. Nothing beats a slice of homemade wheaten bread. It’s delicious when served warm from the oven, or toasted for a tasty snack or at breakfast. It works exceptionally well with starters that are served with bread, such as soup, pate and smoked salmon. What I’ve been doing is to introduce different flavour options,” adds Lynne.
The quality and, above all, taste of Lynne’s wheaten breads have been endorsed in the UK Great Taste and World Bread awards over the past three years.