Local butchers O’Doherty’s set to serve up a royal feast for Hope for Youth

Known for their high quality and diverse products served to the local community and beyond for over 45 years, award-winning O’Doherty’s meats, Enniskillen, will soon be serving up a meal fit for a duchess. On Wednesday 25th November, locally-raised specialty beef from O’Doherty’s will board a City Air Express plane for a star-studded affair, Speedo House of Lords v House of Commons Swim in aid of local charity Hope for Youth.
Now in its 27th year, the swim will include famous faces including Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester, chief patron of the charity, Ian Paisley Jr, Sport Minister Tracey Crouch MP, and a number of world-class UK swimmers, who will don their Speedos to take part in the gala event pitting swimmers from the House of Commons against the House of Lords. Following the swim and presentations, guests at the star-studded event will be treated to a top-notch menu featuring the unique slow-cooked beef dish supplied by The Meat Trades Journal’s 2015 Northern Ireland Butcher of the Year, O’Doherty’s.
All funds raised on the evening for Hope For Youth, will be put toward cross-community groups in Northern Ireland that will enhance the lives of young people aged 11-18. Projects supported by Hope For Youth NI have included: Lisnaskea Playground, Music Theatre For Youth NI, The Youth Lyric, Sport Changes Life – E Hoops, and the Northern Ireland Cancer Fund For Children, amongst others. The charity has been making a difference to young people’s lives for over 40 years with a range of events including the biennial charity swim, now in its 27th year.
Commenting on the upcoming dinner to be served at the prestigious Porchester Hall, London, Pat O’Doherty, owner, O’Doherty’s said, “We are honoured to be supplying the beef for the dinner at the House of Lords v House of Commons charity swim for Hope for Youth. Our beef represents the very best of locally-farmed Northern Irish meat, grass-fed on Ivan Morrison’s Farm, Maguiresbridge, and this high-profile dinner acts as a great platform to show off our unique product.
Hope for Youth Chairman, Noel Lamb added; “We are all looking forward to tasting the beef dish generously supplied by O’Doherty’s. This biennial event has gone from strength to strength and helps to raise much needed funds to enable Hope for Youth provide grant support to important cross community organisations throughout Northern Ireland, and through kind contributions of food and drink we are able to optimise the amount raised for the charity.”
For more information on Hope for Youth visit www.hopeforyouthni.com. To learn about O’Doherty’s speciality meats visit www.blackbacon.com.