Irish Quality Food and Drink Awards

Food NI members certainly made their mark at the Irish Quality Food and Drink Awards Ceremony in Dublin on September 13th , 2022.
The awards celebrate Irish retailers, producers and manufacturers. Deli Lites from Warrenpoint, Co. Down won Product of the Year 2022 for their Beets and Spirulina Crunch Pot. It also won Gold in the Vegetarian/Vegan Category. They do a wide range of food to go for retail. Noisy Snacks won a bronze award for their Noisy Coated Chip Shop Curry Chickpeas.
There was Gold for Alistair Bell’s Irish Black Butter in Chutneys and Relishes. It is made from Armagh Bramley apples. There was a Rising Star Award for Richard Gilpin, Head of Farm Operations of Gilfresh Produce.
Gilfresh also won Bronze for their Vegetable Fajita Kit. They grow, pack, process and distribute vegetables.
McCrackens Brewery from Portadown won Drinks Product of the Year with their Brewery Black Irish Stout. Their range now includes 7 craft beers. Milgro Onions took Gold in Food to Go for their Flame Grilled Steak Flavour Crispy Onions. Based in Limavady, they are the largest grower, packer and processer of onions for leading retailers. There was a Marketing Prize for Moocha Kombucha from Dungannon. They won a campaign worth 10,000 euro from Urban Brand Creative.
Well done to all!