Irish Game Fair Goes Virtual For 2020

Against a backdrop of COVID 19 restrictions a great deal of business moved online and to help their advertisers/exhibitors take advantage of this trend and the huge interest generated for this year’s postponed Irish Game Fair organisers have put in place an exciting new initiative for 2020 and running up to next year’s LIVE Fair– THE VIRTUAL GAME FAIR.
Game Fair have already test marketed facets of this and of course with c100,000 readers of their hard copy and online magazine plus very active social media platforms ,with up to 100,000 contacts on their promoted posts, they are in an excellent position to make this a huge marketing platform for their advertisers/exhibitors not only on the original dates of the fair but throughout the incoming year.
The organisers of the Irish Game Fair an inviting exhibitors new and old to take part in this year’s virtual event by offer a virtually free stand at the virtual fair.
If exhibitors book for the 2021 Game Fair at the normal 20% discount and pay a £100 deposit to confirm the stand booking for 2021 they can have a FREE STAND at the VIRTUAL GAME FAIR. So they can trade with Irish Game Fair throughout 2020 and 2021 until the REAL fair FREE of CHARGE. Exhibitors stand at the virtual fair will also include a listing of their company in the VIRTUAL GAME FAIR FEATURE in the hard copy and FREE to READ online Autumn and Winter (Christmas) issues of the Irish Country Sports and Country Life magazine.
The Virtual Game Fair is organised in pavilions and rows just as one would expect to see at a normal fair plus both virtual and live competitions & videos. A photograph of each exhibitor will be placed in the appropriate pavilion with a ‘click through’ to exhibitors web site.
· Fine Food & Drinks Pavilion
· Country Crafts & Living Pavilion
· Gunmakers Row
· Clothing Row
· Cars & 4 X4 Row
· Fishermans Row
· Gundog & Working Dog Row
· Game Keepers Row
· Country Sports and Conservation Pavilion
· Holiday & Tourism Pavilion
If you wish to exhibit at the Virtual Game Fair simply send a good quality Hi Res landscape photograph illustrating your business and products. A short 4 key word description of your product range and full contact details (Name of company, Telephone No; Email address; Website or Facebook page address) and 2021 Booking Form to Final deadline for receipt of materials to be included in the Autumn magazine is COB 7 August. Although exhibitors can join the fair at any time during the year.
The VIRTUAL GAME FAIR is currently being built and populated and will open to visitors on the 29th & 30th August 2020 and remain open with updates throughout the year until the REAL Game Fair planned for the 26/27 June 2021.