Guides Taste the Greatness of our food

Food NI, Northern Ireland’s food and drink promotion body, has revised and
relaunched its popular Taste the Greatness Guides.
The two guides, launched at a special breakfast with Hastings Hotels in the Culloden
Estate and Spa, to around 200 food and drink producers and hospitality operations
from across Northern Ireland, are Taste the Greatness Producer Guide 2018 and
Taste the Greatness Restaurant Guide 2018.
The Producer Guide lists hundreds of food and drink producers and provides
essential information about food and drink companies here and their products and
The objective is to encourage potential buyers, such as supermarkets, grocery
stores, delis and farm shops to list local products, as well as assisting collaboration
between smaller companies in particular.
The Restaurant Guide provides essential information and contact points for most of
Northern Ireland’s restaurants, cafes and hotels. It has been produced by Food NI to
support the work of Tourism NI and Tourism Ireland in signposting great places to
dine and snack in Northern Ireland.
Taste the Greatness refers to the Food NI strategic action plan to help to accelerate
the growth of Northern Ireland’s food and drink and hospitality sectors.
Michele Shirlow, Food NI Chief Executive, commenting on the two guides, says:
“Food and drink is now recognised as among the most important influences on
decisions by potential tourists about a holiday or short break destination. They are
also influenced by the food and drink that’s readily available.
“Our two Taste the Greatness guides provide the information they need about the
premium quality and outstanding taste of our food and drink and also pinpoint where
they can go to find superb meals and experience authentic food and drink, created
by our talented and innovative chefs using the best locally sourced ingredients.
“We also use both guides on our presentations at major events such as the RUAS
Balmoral Show at Balmoral Park, at Borough Market in London, and Speciality and
Fine Food Show in London to showcase the quality of our products. Both are also
used by Tourism NI and Tourism Ireland in marketing activities here, in Great Britain,
the Republic of Ireland, the US and further afield.
“Our unique Producer Guide has, encouraged retail buyers to list local products
including those from smaller companies and to promote collaboration between
producers in key areas such as new product development,” adds Mrs Shirlow.