Celebrating One Million Cups Of Premium Coffee

A Henderson Foodservice coffee partnership with Hastings Hotels, which began in May 2018, is marking one million cups of coffee enjoyed by customers and guests.
The Mallusk based foodservice company has had a close working relationship with Hasting Hotels for many years and the hotel group commissioned Hendersons to research and supply a signature premium coffee blend to be used throughout their seven strong portfolio of hotels and restaurants.
Named the ‘Hastings Triple Cert Bean,’ the coffee is supplied exclusively to customers in Ireland through the UCC coffee brand and delivered via Henderson Foodservice. It’s officially certified by the Soil Association, Rainforest Alliance, and the FairTrade Organisation, validating that it has been sourced ethically and reliably before travelling to Northern Ireland where it is roasted locally.
Additionally, the Observatory cocktail lounge in the group’s Grand Central Hotel, known for its stunning views of the city and exclusive clientele, is the only location in Northern Ireland to offer a luxury and specially curated coffee blend, Grand Crü.
Howard Hastings, managing director of Hastings Hotels,said he was thrilled with customer response to their unique coffee solution across all group hotels:
“By working closely with the team at Henderson and UCC and taking the time to create something special, we’ve been able to offer our guests an exclusive coffee blend which can only be found in our hotels. Distinctive coffee flavours and trends are becoming more popular than ever and some of our properties have set up special tasting evenings with expert sommeliers delivering talks and tasting advice – even matching coffee with chocolate and wine.”
Henderson Foodservice managing director Cathal Geoghegan added, “It’s been an excellent partnership with Northern Ireland’s leading collection of hotels with customer feedback and sales to date clearly demonstrating the success of the bespoke coffee blend. We’re also delighted to provide full barista training and machinery maintenance for both front of house and management staff ensuring quality support for this exclusive coffee brand.”
The Hastings Triple Cert Bean coffee blend is available in all Hastings hotels, The Percy French and Cultra Inn restaurants whilst Grand Crü is served only in The Observatory, The Grand Central Hotel.