
Front of Pack Nutritional Labelling Consultation

The Food Standards Agency wants your views on making sure the ‘traffic light’ front-of-pack nutrition labels (FOPNL) scheme continues to help people choose what food and drink to buy.

Front of pack nutrition labelling has been recognised as an important tool to support consumers to better understand the nutrient content of their food and drink. In Northern Ireland, the Food Standards Agency leads the current front-of-pack nutritional labelling scheme. We want to ensure that our front of pack nutrition label still meets the needs of shoppers to make informed healthier purchasing decisions for themselves and their families.

To ensure the UK’s front of pack nutrition label is based on the best available evidence to help consumers make informed healthier choices, this consultation is a ‘call to evidence’ to reflect on the current UK scheme, review the evidence-base and learn how this label is used by UK consumers and industry.

The Food Standards Agency is working in partnership with the Department of Health and Social Care, Food Standards Scotland and the Welsh Government on this joint four nation consultation which will close on 21 October 2020. You can read and respond to the four nation consultation by following the link below

If you have any questions or comments regarding the consultation, please contact Kathleen Mooney or Fionnuala Close ( at the Dietary Health team in the Food Standards Agency. Questions for the Department of Health and Social Care can be addressed to

Complete the survey in English

This consultation closes at 11:59pm on 21 October 2020