Privacy Policy

The following privacy policy is designed to help our website visitors understand what information we collect from our site, and how we use this information.

Collection and use of your information

At Food NI we use your data collected in the following ways:-
•Marketing activities: We also use your information for marketing activities, as permitted by law.
•Other communications: There may be other times when we get in touch by email, by post or by phone, depending on the contact information you share with us. There could be a number of reasons for this, for example, we may need to respond to and handle requests you have made.
•Market research: We may ask you to take part in market research. Any additional personal details that you give us as part of the market research will only be used with your consent.
•Fraud detection and prevention: We may use personal information for the detection and prevention of fraud and other illegal or unwanted activities.
•Improving our services: Finally, we use personal information for analytical purposes, to improve our services, enhance the user experience, and improve the functionality and quality of our services.
We also send our customers regular newsletters by email. You can opt out, or unsubscribe, from marketing communication at any time.
•If you have provided us with your email address at some point over the past 12 months we might use this email address to target you with specific offers on facebook or other sites that allow retargeting services


If a user contacts Food NI with a general enquiry, we may require your contact details to progress your query. We will only use these details to fulfil your request, and these details will not be passed to third parties for any other purpose.


Cookies are small text files that a site transfers to a user’s browser for added functionality or for tracking their website journey. In order to measure the effectiveness of our website, we use cookies to determine the journey that people take on our website, and to identify visitors that have visited the site before. We do not use cookies to gather personal information such as names or e-mail address.

Publicity and Third Party Cookies: For the purpose of using certain functions, third party suppliers’ cookies are used on the Food NI website. The website also contains the cookies of firms that carry out advert tracking.


Food NI website may contain links to external websites, and we are not responsible for the privacy policy or content on any external website. This privacy statement applies only to information collected us.